Chapter 10

Oh my! Can’t believe it’s been that long since I posted a Holbrook update! We return to find Blair pregnant (of course) and being a good mother to her son, Yuri and daughter, Zoe.

Zoe’s an adorable little thing.

Blair still takes care of her garden rigorously every morning.

Blair is ready to have her 28th baby. This baby will also have a name starting with A as we’re now restarting the alphabet! I’ve also decided that the kid’s will now be named after book characters.

“Oi, before my mum has her next kid…can you focus on me a little?”

Vincent is now a young adult which means that we’re welcoming a new addition to the household whilst also saying goodbye on the same day!

“Wait mum! I’m growing up as well!”

William is now a teen.

FINALLY! Blair gets to have her newest baby! It’s a boy and we’re naming him after Aragorn from Lord of the Rings.

One of Blair’s older kids invited her out. Blair accepted as she though this the perfect opportunity too…

You guessed it! Get knocked up again!

Time for Yuri to grow up.

Also grown up is Aragorn who looks nothing like his namesake.

“Hey get off the lot Hawea! None of the fathers are supposed to have any interaction with their kids!”

No harm in getting some romancing done before baby 29 is out! By now, Blair is such a pro she can basically get anyone to sleep with her after one single conversation!

Zoe got 3 in all her toddler skills so she got to grow up into a child. She rolled Adventurous as her first trait.

Then Blair had her second set of twins! Which means that Blair has now officially had 30 kids!!!

She had a boy and girl that were named after Bellatrix and Bill from the Harry Potter series.

Blair tried to get started on baby 31 but with the twins the house is full! So she had to wait.

It wasn’t long before the twins celebrated their first birthday. Bellatrix is quite similar to her namesake 🙂 On the other hand, with Bill it’s a different story!

Luckily it wasn’t long before William came back home with an A. Aragorn also got his skills up to level 3.

William rolled Overachiever as his last trait. He’s quite good looking.

Aragon rolled Good which is in line with his character!

Now that William’s out of the way….

Blair gets another bun cookin’!

Xena grows up into a teen – she rolled Squeamish as her next trait.

The twins are just adorable 🙂

Yuri grew up into a teen and rolled creative as his next trait.

Blair gave birth to a baby girl that was named Clarisse after Clarisse La Rue from the Percy Jackson book series.

With the house once again full, Blair is instead focusing on helping the twins improve their skills so that they can age up.

Xena grew up into a young adult – she’s the twelfth girl and the twenty-fifth child to reach young adult hood meaning that we’re officially 1/4 of the way done with the challenge!

Blair wastes no time in romancing Mr. Sione Elikapika to be her next baby daddy.

Bellatrix was the first one to achieve level 3 on all her toddler skills so she got to grow up first. She rolled ‘Mean’ as her first trait. Bellatrix really is shaping up to be like her namesake!

Clarisse also grew up into a toddler.

Blair still writes whenever she finds the time, though her main focus (outside of churning out new Holbrooks) is now gardening.

Bill followed in his sister’s footsteps a day later and grew up into a kid. He also rolled ‘Mean’ as his first trait, not at all in keeping with his namesake, Bill Weasley!

We end the chapter with a cutesy capture of the small and always busy family kitchen/dining/living. Blair has actually generated quite the fortune from book sales, paintings and gardening, however I’m thinking about leaving her in this same house until she reaches adulthood, after which I think a change in scenery would do the family some good. She is currently four days away from adulthood but it might be a while before she actually gets to reach the next stage in her life, since her age freezes whenever she’s pregnant.


31/100 born kids

25/100 kids that reached YA!! 1/4 of the way there!

Favourite kids so far: Tessa (girls), Owen (boys)

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